
Origin: Raspberries have been believed to have originated in Europe, however, history says it has its roots from the west. Some say it originated from Greece and then spread to Italy, Netherlands and then to North America.   Though it is also indigenous to Asia and North America. Prehistoric people say red raspberry belongs to North America and the black raspberry belongs to west. 

Raspberries have been a very popular food for centuries. The Roman agriculturist Palladius wrote about raspberry in one of his books about the cultivation in the 4th century.  Many ecological findings have been found at Roman forts in Britain included raspberry seeds, which led to Europe as its native place. 
King Edward I (1272-1307) of Britain was the first one to cultivate berries. By the 18th century, the cultivation of raspberries had spread in entire Europe. 

It is believed that the colonists brought cultivated raspberries to America and there were over 40 different varieties of raspberry plants by the end of the 18th century.  

Scientifically: Raspberry is scientifically called Rubus idaeus.Raspberry belongs to the genus of Rubus (family Rosaceae). It is a perennial plant and lives two years each. It comes with canes which are either armed with prickles or is smooth.

Raspberry bears fruit in the second year. It reaches a height of 6 feet. The leaves are compound and have two to three toothed leaflet.  The leaves are from white to gray in color and are lightly hairy.  It bears juicy red, purple, or black fruit. The most commercial species are hybrids of Rubus idaeus and R. strigosus. 

Usage: Raspberries are a great source of Vitamin C and manganese and Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, folate, Vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, copper, calcium, and iron. It is also rich in dietary fiber. It is one of the fruit with the highest antioxidant strength.  

It is used n salads, desserts, beverages, jams, and preserves. Raspberries are also used in making the glaze for meats and chicken. It is also used in making smoothies and fruit bowls. 

The red raspberry leaf help in easing labor and delivery, it also helps in gastrointestinal (GI) disorders like acidity, diarrhea. Raspberries also help in treating the flu. Red raspberry leaf is used in a gargle for sore throat. It also helps in treating skin rashes. It helps in fighting cancer, helps in improving heart health, and is great for diabetic people. Raspberry is proven to improve fertility and sexual health. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is full of anti-oxidants thus it is great for hair and skin. 

Below are some DIYs with Raspberries: 

-    Take 5-6 raspberries, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, ½ tablespoon of honey and mash them together. Apply this paste on the face and neck and let it dry for 10 minutes. This remedy helps in fighting acne, hyper-pigmentation, and tightens loose skin. 
-    Take 1 tablespoon of raspberry puree and add a teaspoon of rose water to it. Mix them together and apply on the face for 10 minutes. This remedy helps in soothing the skin and gives a natural glow to the face.
-    Extract raspberry juice and fresh aloe vera gel. Mix them together and massage on the scalp for 30 minutes. Shampoo as usual. This helps in cleansing of scalp and promotes hair growth
-     Take a tablespoon of raspberry puree, one tablespoon of fresh rose water, one teaspoon of coconut oil, and add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to it. Mix all the ingredients together. Apply this mask for 20 minutes and then rinse. This remedy helps in reversing signs of aging.
-    Raspberries and yogurt together make an excellent mask. Just blend them together and apply on the face. Rinse it off after 15 minutes. This remedy helps in deep moisturizing the skin.